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New Testament

Further Reading:

Introduction to the New Testament

  • Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah.

  • A.M. Hodgkin, Christ in All the Scriptures.

  • Arthur G. Patria, The Making of the New Testament: Origin, Collection, Text & Canon.

  • Ben Witherington III, New Testament Theology and Ethics (2 Volumes).

  • Brevard S. Childs, The New Testament as Canon: An Introduction.

  • C.E. Hill, Who Chose the Gospels?: Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy.

  • Craig A. Evans, Dictionary of New Testament Background.

  • Craig S. Keener, The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament.

  • Daniel Fanous, Taught by God: Making Sense of the Difficult Sayings of Jesus.

  • Daniel J. Harrington, Interpreting the New Testament.

  • Donald Guthrie, New Testament Introduction.

  • Edith M. Humphrey, Scripture and Tradition: What the Bible Really Says.

  • F.F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture.

  • F.F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?.

  • George Cronk, The Message of the Bible: An Orthodox Christian Perspective.

  • H.G. Bishop Moussa, An Introduction to the New Testament.

  • Joel B. Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels.

  • John Breck, Scripture in Tradition.

  • John R. Kohlenberger, The Contemporary Parallel New Testament.

  • Matthew E. Gordley, New Testament Christological Hymns.

  • Oscar Cullmann, The New Testament: An Introduction for the General Reader.

  • Paul S. Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament.

  • Paula Gooder, Searching for Meaning: An Introduction to Interpreting the New Testament.

  • Theodore G. Stylianopoulos, The New Testament: An Orthodox Perspective Volume One: Scripture, Tradition, Hermeneutics.

  • Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Hard Sayings of the Bible.

The Gospel According to St. Matthew

  • Charles H. Talbert, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Matthew.

  • Daniel J. Harrington, The Gospel of Matthew.

  • D.H. Williams, Hilary of Poitiers: Commentary on Matthew (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 125).

  • D.H. Williams, Matthew: Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators (R.L. Wilken, The Church's Bible).

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Gospel According to Saint Matthew.

  • H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Contemplations on the Sermon on the Mount.

  • James A. Kellerman, Ancient Christian Texts: Incomplete Commentary on Matthew (Opus imperfectum) (2 Volumes).

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew.

  • Origen of Alexandria, Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament Ia: Matthew 1-13.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament Ib: Matthew 14-28.

  • Thomas P. Scheck, Jerome: Commentary on Matthew (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 117).

The Gospel According to St. Mark

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Gospel According to Saint Mark.

  • Francis J. Moloney, The Gospel of Mark.

  • H.H. Pope Shenouda III, The Beholder of God Mark the Evangelist Saint and Martyr.

  • Mary Ann Beavis, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Mark.

  • Philip Van Linden, Collegeville Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to Mark.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament II: Mark.

  • Thomas C. Oden, The Ancient Memory of Mark: Reassessing Early Church Tradition.

The Gospel According to St. Luke

  • Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on the Gospel of Saint Luke.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, Interpretation of the Gospel According to St. Luke.

  • Jerome Kodell, Collegeville Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to Luke.

  • Joseph T. Lienhard, Origen: Homilies on Luke (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 9).

  • Mikeal C. Parsons, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Luke.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament III: Luke.

The Gospel According to St. John

  • Anthony J. Kelly, Experiencing God in the Gospel of John.

  • Augustine of Hippo, Tractates on the Gospel of John.

  • Bryan A. Stewart and Michael A. Thomas, John: Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators (R.L. Wilken, The Church's Bible).

  • Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on the Gospel of John.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Gospel According to St. John.

  • J.B. Lightfoot, The Gospel of St. John: A Newly Discovered Commentary.

  • Jo-Ann A. Brant, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: John.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Gospel of John.

  • Neil M. Flanagan, Collegeville Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to John and the Johannine Epistles.

  • Origen of Alexandria, Commentary on the Gospel of John.

  • Raymond E. Brown, An Introduction to the Gospel of John (The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library).

  • Raymond E. Brown, The Gospel and Epistles of John: A Concise Commentary.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament IVa: John 1-10.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament IVb: John 11-21.

The Acts of the Apostles

  • F.F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with an Introduction and Commentary.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, Acts of the Apostles.

  • J.B. Lightfoot, The Acts of the Apostles: A Newly Discovered Commentary.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Acts.

  • John J. Kilgallen, A Brief Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles.

  • Mikeal C. Parsons, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Acts.

  • The Venerable Bede, Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament V: Acts.

  • William S. Kurtz, Acts of the Apostles.

The Pauline Epistles

  • Andrew Cain, Jerome: Commentary on Galatians (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 121).

  • Bruce J. Malina, Timothy: Paul's Closest Associate.

  • Charles H. Talbert, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Ephesians and Colossians.

  • Christopher R. Hutson, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: First and Second Timothy and Titus.

  • David Maxwell, Ancient Christian Texts: Cyril of Alexandria, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews.

  • Edmund Power, Blessed Be God: Hymns of St. Paul.

  • Eric Plumer, Augustine's Commentary on Galatians

  • F.F. Bruce, Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free.

  • F.F. Bruce, Romans (Leon L. Morris, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries 13).

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, A Commentary on the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, Introduction to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Titus.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Galatians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Philippians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle to the Ephesians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle to the Hebrews.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy.

  • Frank J. Matera, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Romans.

  • Gerald L. Bray, Ancient Christian Texts: Ambrosiaster, Commentaries on Galatians — Philemon.

  • Gerald L. Bray, Ancient Christian Texts: Ambrosiaster, Commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians.

  • Gordon D. Fee, Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God

  • H.G. Bishop Youssef, Orthodox Christian Bible Commentary: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon.

  • H.G. Bishop Youssef, Orthodox Christian Bible Commentary: 1 Corinthians.

  • H.G. Bishop Youssef, Orthodox Christian Bible Commentary: Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

  • H.G. Bishop Youssef, Orthodox Christian Bible Commentary: Hebrews.

  • H.G. Bishop Youssef, Orthodox Christian Bible Commentary: Romans.

  • J. Patout Burns Jr. and Constantine Newman, Romans: Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators (R.L. Wilken, The Church's Bible).

  • James W. Thompson and Bruce W. Longenecker, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Philippians and Philemon.

  • James W. Thompson, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Hebrews.

  • Joan Cecelia Campbell, Phoebe: Patron and Emissary.

  • John Chrysostom, Commentary on Galatians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Colossians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Ephesians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on First Corinthians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on First Thessalonians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on First Timothy.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Hebrews.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philemon.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Romans.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Second Corinthians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Second Thessalonians.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Second Timothy.

  • John Chrysostom, Homilies on Titus.

  • John J. Pilch, Stephen: Paul and the Hellenist Israelites.

  • Judith L. Kovacs, 1 Corinthians: Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators (R.L. Wilken, The Church's Bible).

  • Marie Noël Keller, Priscilla and Aquila: Paul's Coworkers in Christ Jesus.

  • Michael Trainor, Epaphras: Paul's Educator at Colossae.

  • Patrick J. Hartin, A Window Into the Spirituality of Paul.

  • Patrick J. Hartin, Apollos: Paul's Partner or Rival?.

  • Peter Oakes, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Galatians.

  • Pheme Perkins, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: First Corinthians.

  • Raymond F. Collins, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Second Corinthians.

  • Richard S. Ascough, Lydia: Paul's Cosmopolitan Hostess.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament VI: Romans.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament VII: 1-2 Corinthians.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament VIII: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament IX: Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament X: Hebrews.

  • Thomas P. Scheck, Origen: Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 1-5 (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 103).

  • Thomas P. Scheck, Origen: Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 6-10 (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 104).

  • Timothy A. Brookins, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: First and Second Thessalonians.

The Catholic Epistles

  • Augustine of Hippo, Homilies on the First Epistle of John.

  • Duane F. Watson and Terrance Callan, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: First and Second Peter.

  • F.F. Bruce, The Epistles of John.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistle of St. James.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Epistles of St. John.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The First Epistle of St. Peter.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, The Second Epistle of St. Peter.

  • George L. Parsenios, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: First, Second, and Third John.

  • H.G. Bishop Youssef, Orthodox Christian Bible Commentary: James, 1 & 2 Peter.

  • I. Howard Marshall, The Epistles of John.

  • John Painter and David A. DeSilva, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: James and Jude.

  • John R.W. Scott, The Letters of John: An Introduction and Commentary (Leon L. Morris, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries 19).

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament XI: James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude.


  • Bruce M. Metzger, Breaking the Code: Understanding the Book of Revelation.

  • Craig R. Koester, The Oxford Handbook of the Book of Revelation.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, An Introduction to the Book of Revelation.

  • Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty, Commentary on the Book of Revelation.

  • H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Contemplations on the Book of Revelation.

  • John N. Suggit, Oecumenius: Commentary on the Apocalypse (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 112).

  • Rev. Roger Phillip Drews, "Revelation! What Did the First Audience Hear?".

  • Sigve K. Tonstad, Paideia: Commentary on the New Testament: Revelation.

  • Stephen J. Davis, Revelation 1-3 in Christian Arabic Commentary: John's First Vision and the Letters to the Seven Churches.

  • Thomas C. Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament XII: Revelation.

Disclaimer: This list serves as a collection of various perspectives, titles, and backgrounds, and may not necessarily endorse the teaching, history, and understanding of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

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