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Online Resources




Reasonable Religion. (YouTube Channel).

William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith.


Bible Study



BiblIndex, Index of Biblical Quotations in Early Christian Literature.

Blue Letter Bible.

Catena Bible.

Scripture 4 All, Greek/Hebrew Interlinear Bible Software.


Coptic Manuscripts


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Collections: Coptic.

Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), Collections: Copte.

Chester Beatty, Egypt.

Digital Vatican Library, Manuscripts Library.

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, Egypt.

St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, Online Manuscript Depositories.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Coptic Liturgical Codex.

The Morgan Library & Museum, Coptic Manuscripts.


Coptic Studies


Archive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology.

Coptic Church Review.

Coptic Hymns Library (SoundCloud).

Coptic Scriptorium, Digital Research in Coptic Language and Literature.


Service & Religious Education


Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles, Department of Christian Education.

Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States, Sunday School Curriculum.

Grain & Vine, Coptic Orthodox Education.

H.G. Bishop Suriel, Coffee with Bishop Suriel. (Podcast).

Karen Ayoub, Service in Practice. (Podcast).

Lilyan Andrews, Lilies & Thorns Blog.

St. George & St. Rueiss Coptic Orthodox Church, Coptic Sunday School Curriculum.

The Coptic Monastery of St. Shenouda, Rochester, NY.


Theological Study


Institute for the Renewal of Christian Catechesis.

New Advent LLC, The Fathers of the Church.

Roger Pearse, Early Church Fathers — Additional Texts.

The North American Patristics Society, Early Christian Texts.

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