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Online Resources



William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith.

Bible Study:


BiblIndex, Index of Biblical Quotations in Early Christian Literature.

Blue Letter Bible.

Scripture 4 All, Greek/Hebrew Interlinear Bible Software.

Coptic Manuscripts:

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Collections: Coptic.

Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), Collections: Copte.

Chester Beatty, Egypt.

Digital Vatican Library, Manuscripts Library.

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, Egypt.

St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, Online Manuscript Depositories.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Coptic Liturgical Codex.

The Morgan Library & Museum, Coptic Manuscripts.

Coptic Studies:

Coptic Church Review.

Coptic Hymns Library (SoundCloud).

Coptic Scriptorium, Digital Research in Coptic Language and Literature.

Service & Religious Education:

Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles, Department of Christian Education.

Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States, Sunday School Curriculum.

Grain & Vine, Coptic Orthodox Education.

St. George & St. Rueiss Coptic Orthodox Church, Coptic Sunday School Curriculum.

Theological Study:

Institute for the Renewal of Christian Catechesis.

New Advent LLC, The Fathers of the Church.

Roger Pearse, Early Church Fathers — Additional Texts.

The North American Patristics Society, Early Christian Texts.

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